Vocation Director, DSMP, 4200 N. Austin
Ave., Chicago, IL
60634; (773) 545-8300
A "Sister Congregation" of the Servants of Charity, we were founded in Italy in 1881, by Father Guanella with the cooperation of Sr. Marcellina Bosatta. The Daughters are Eucharistic and Marian; have daily Mass, Office and Rosary in common; are committed to the Magisterium; are in full habit. The North American Province has houses in Iztapalapa, Mexico; Vancouver, Canada; and the Untied States (Archdiocese of Detroit, Chicago, Boston, and Philadelphia and the Diocese of New Ulm and Sioux Falls). We work principally with developmentally disabled children and adults; have a hospital and homes for the aging; do pastoral and catechetical work; have a retreat center. Candidates should have at least a high school education or equivalent with a capacity for further study and training.
Vocation Director, Servants of Charity, 16195 Old U.S. 12, Chelsea, MI
48118-9646; (734) 475-8430.
Our brothers and priests strive to imitate Jesus, the Good Samaritan, by bringing the Father's healing love to the needy. Started in Italy by Blessed Louis Guanella in 1908, we are now represented in 19 countries in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. In our U.S. province, we provide "Bread and the Lord" by serving people with developmental disabilities, in parish ministry, and by assisting part-time in other ministries. We minister in the Archdioceses of Philadelphia and Manila, Philippines, and in the dioceses of Lansing, MI, and Providence, RI. We also run the Pious Union of St. Joseph, an association of the faithful who serve the dying. We seek men, 18 and over, who are prayerful, simple in lifestyle, hospitable, collaborative, with a compassionate concern for the poor, and rooted in the life of the local and universal church. Candidates should have at least a high-school diploma or equivalent with a capacity for further study and training.